Submission File
Column Name | Type | Format / Value Checks | Additional Comments | ||||||||||||||||
ind_id | string |
Checks: Must match exactly with Subject Code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX). Field is a required field and cannot be left empty. Values in the field should be unique. |
Definition: The unique individual id submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX) with the biospecimen. Comments: IMPORTANT —This id is used to verify subject \ NRGR_BIO_ID pairs at Sampled (formerly IBX). Therefore, the id you submit here should match exactly the subject-code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX). |
nrgr_bio_id | string(14) |
Checks: Values in the field should be unique. |
Definition: Sampled sample id, "NRGR_BIO_ID", formerly RUID Sample value: 03C19340 For subjects with multiple samples at Sampled (formerly IBX), please include the blood sample in the main submission file. Additional sample IDs can be submitted in the Alternate ID (_id) file. For timepoint studies where multiple blood draws were used in analysis. Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
site_id | integer(5) |
Definition: Submitting site within a study. Sample value: 101 This is a required field. Empty strings and "NULL" are both considered invalid values. |
study_id | integer(3) |
Definition: Study number assigned by the NIMH RGR Sample value: 22 This is a required field. Empty strings and "NULL" are both considered invalid values.
father_id | string |
Checks: Must match exactly with Subject Code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX). |
Definition: Id for the father of this individual in the specified format in Sample value: 22-132-90000 Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL Comments: IMPORTANT —This id is used to verify subject \ NRGR_BIO_ID pairs at Sampled (formerly IBX). Therefore, the id you submit here should match exactly the subject-code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX). |
mother_id | string |
Checks: Must match exactly with Subject Code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX). |
Definition: Id for the mother of this individual in the specified format Sample value: 22-132-90001 Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL Comments: IMPORTANT —This id is used to verify subject \ NRGR_BIO_ID pairs at Sampled (formerly IBX). Therefore, the id you submit here should match exactly the subject-code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX). |
fam_id | string |
Format: <unique number> Field is a required field and cannot be left empty. |
Definition: Family id of this individual in the specified format Sample value: 132 |
subject_type | string(1) |
Valid Values: P=Primary Subject S=Secondary Subject C=Control E=Excluded from Study I=Informant L=Linker |
Definition: Subject type, including primary, secondary, control, linker, and excluded individuals. See below for details. Sample value: P This is a required field. Empty strings and "NULL" are both considered invalid values. Comments: P - Primary Subject - Individual is a primary subject for a given study. In family studies this will most often be the proband. Primary subjects typically have a biospecimen and will be included in most, if not all, applicable clinical assessments. S - Secondary Subject - Individual is a secondary subject for a given study. In family studies this will most often be non probands. Secondary subjects typically have a biospecimen and may or may not be included in any applicable clinical assessments. C - Control - Individual is a control. E - Excluded from Study - Individuals who met exclusion criteria from a given study, but still have a biospecimen, consent, and at least some demographic information available and therefore may be of use to other investigators. I - Informant - Individual provided information on a study participant. Informants have limited demographic information and no biospecimen. This subject_type should only be used for individuals who do not meet the requirements for P, S, C or E as described above. L - Linker - Individual needed to construct a pedigree (ex. parents in the case of twin studies), has limited demographic information available and no biospecimen. |
zygosity | string,multi_encoded |
Valid Values: AI=Adopted In AO=Adopted Out S=Singleton MZ=Twin, Monozygotic DZ=Twin, Dizygotic UZ=Twin, Unknown Zygosity MZMZ=Triplet, Monozygotic and Monozygotic MZDZ=Triplet, Monozygotic and Dizygotic MZUZ=Triplet, Monozygotic and Unknown Zygosity DZDZ=Triplet, Dizygotic and Dizygotic DZUZ=Triplet, Dizygotic and Unknown Zygosity UZUZ=Triplet, Unknown Zygosity and Unknown Zygosity NULL=Missing, Not Applicable, or Unknown |
Definition: Zygosity of this individual Sample value: AI|MZ Use a '|' to add multiple values. For twins, a single zygosity value (e.g. 'MZ') should be used. For triplets, a concatenated zygosity value (e.g. 'MZDZ') should be used and each zygosity within that value should describe the relationship between the current individual and each of the other members of the birth cohort. When using a concatenated value, the hierarchy is 'MZ' > 'DZ' > 'UZ' (e.g. use 'MZDZ' not 'DZMZ'). Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL. Note: NULL may not be used when there are multiple values. |
sex | string(1) |
Valid Values: M=Male F=Female I=Intersex NULL=Missing or not applicable or unknown |
Definition: Sex Sample value: F Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
race | string(3) |
Valid Values: W=White I=American Indian A=Asian B=Black P=Pacific Islander M=Mixed RES=Not collected due to externally imposed restrictions (EU, IRB, etc) REF=Refused NULL=Missing or not applicable or unknown |
Definition: Race according to the NIH Policy on Reporting Race and Ethnicity Data for Subjects In Clinical Research Sample value: P Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
ethnicity | string(3) |
Valid Values: H=Hispanic N=Not Hispanic RES=Not collected due to externally imposed restrictions (EU, IRB, etc) REF=Refused NULL=Missing or not applicable or unknown |
Definition: Ethnicity according to the NIH Policy on Reporting Race and Ethnicity Data for Subjects In Clinical Research Sample value: H Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
Submissions for Autism
Submissions for Other Disorders
yob | integer(4) |
Checks: Year of Birth should be between 1800 and <current_year>. |
Definition: Year of birth Sample value: 1999 Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
deceased | string(1) |
Valid Values: Y=Yes N=No NULL=Missing or not applicable or unknown |
Definition: Whether individual is deceased Sample value: N Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
yod | integer(4) |
Valid Values: 0=Not Dead/Not Applicable Year of Death should be between 1800 and <current_year>. |
Definition: Year of Death Sample value: 2005 Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
dx_study | string |
Valid Values: Only values specified in the 'dx_study' column of the Diagnosis File Format are allowed here. A value is required if and only if subject_type is P, S, or C. If subject_type is L, this value should be NULL. |
Definition: Investigator-provided overall primary diagnosis. Sample value: SADD Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL Comments: The dx provided in the column is meant to allow future investigators to match the dx's described in corresponding publications with the data stored in the repository. For example, if in your paper you describe 4 dx groups: Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia-spectrum, Bipolar, Bipolar-spectrum, this is where you would indicate how subjects in your study were grouped into those 4 categories. (In this case, the dx_system would be "Other" and a corresponding _dx dictionary would describe what criteria were used in grouping) |
dx_confidence | integer |
A value is required if and only if subject_type is P, S, or C, or subject_type is E and a value for dx_study is specified. Valid Values: 1=Unknown; diagnosis asserted but completeness of diagnosis and 2=Low; only some diagnostic criteria met 3=Medium; all criteria met, no supporting information 4=High; all criteria met and has supporting information NULL=Not Applicable |
Definition: Confidence on the diagnosis in dx field Sample value: 4 Note: a dx_confidence vale of "4" IS compatible with a dx_external_support value of "E" Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
dx_external_support | string(1) |
A value is required if and only if subject_type is P, S, or C, or subject_type is E and a value for dx_study is specified. Valid Values: I=Submitted to NRGR and/or NDA E=Not submitted to NRGR or NDA NULL=Missing or not applicable or unknown |
Definition: Diagnosis based on information that is not (or cannot be) submitted to the Center. This missing information overrules some information that was submitted to the Center. For example, medical records, interviews with family members, etc. Sample value: I Note: dx based on any source or instrument, even one administered by the study itself, should be coded E=external, if not deposited. Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |
genetic_dx | string |
Study-reported genetic variants. |
consent | string(3) |
A value is required unless subject_type is 'L' or 'I'.
Valid Values: GRU=General Research Use REL=Disorder and Related Disorders DIS=Specific Disorder Only HMB=Health/Medical/Biomedical |
Definition: The type of consent granted by the subjects on the use of their data. Sample value: REL Detailed definition of "REL": Related Mental Health Conditions - Use of the data must be related to mental health research only. This includes methods development provided there is sufficient evidence that it will contribute to methodology that will further mental health research. |
consent_modifier | string,multi_encoded |
Valid Values: IRB=IRB Approval required PUB=Publication Required COL=Collaboration required NPU=Non-profit use only MDS=Methods GSO=Genetic Studies Only NAE=No Animal Engraftment RPU=Restrictions on for-profit use of samples NTC=No Therapeutic Cloning NULL=Missing or not applicable or unknown |
Additional consent modifiers. The user can specify more than one value for consent_modifier by separating them using a pipe "|". Empty string is considered an invalid value. Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL |