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Research Domain Criteria

Research Domain Criteria 2.1

The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Distribution v2.1 was published on 2021-11-10. There are 2918 subjects, 1874 of whom have at least one biospecimen on record at the repository. In addition to case/control studies, the RDoC collection includes 2 family studies.

Standard Data & Documentation

  • Distribution Bundle [ or ]: Standard files across disorders, containing demographic, diagnostic, and pedigree information. Sampled (formerly IBX) sample IDs (nrgr_bio_id) and consent level are also provided. Bundle includes data dictionaries.
  • Study Descriptions.
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Additional Data Files

Clinical Instruments


  • Study 70 Phenotypic Data [ or ] Includes patient diagnoses and information about current and past alcohol and substance abuse, anxiety and eating disorders, and ADHD
  • Lists 200+ publications attributed to study 70

Clinical Instruments


  • NDA linking GUIDs [ or ] Study 120 was also submitted to the RDoCdb. This file provides linking IDs per subject per instrument submitted to NDA, and age in months per subject.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

Study 70 — Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics

  • Study 70 Phenotypic Data [ or ] Includes patient diagnoses and information about current and past alcohol and substance abuse, anxiety and eating disorders, and ADHD
  • Lists 200+ publications attributed to study 70

Study 120 — RDoC Constructs: Neural Substrates, Heritability, and Relation to Psychopathology

  • NDA linking GUIDs [ or ] Study 120 was also submitted to the RDoCdb. This file provides linking IDs per subject per instrument submitted to NDA, and age in months per subject.